CMS User Accounts (Legacy Dashboard)

*** Note: this document applies to the legacy dashboard (aka the “old” dashboard). See the new document here: CMS User Accounts ***

If you have a Pro membership you can add CMS user accounts, giving your clients their own logins and allowing them to edit their websites. You can easily send invitations and define permissions for each user.

Add a New User

To add a CMS user, enter your Dashboard, and select “Manage CMS Users.”

Select “Add CMS User”

You can then enter a Username and Email for your user, as well as select the relevant site. Click “Add CMS User.”

This will bring you to the invitation email. You can either send the email as is, or select “Copy to Clipboard” if you want to send the email from your own email service, giving you the ability to personalize the message.

Assign Existing Users to Multiple Sites

If you’ve already added a user to one site, you can give them access to more by simply visiting your dashboard and selecting “Manage CMS Users.” Locate the user and click the “+” icon.

You can then select the new site you would like to give them access to.

User Permissions

Define user permissions by clicking on the gear icon next to a specific site and selecting “Update Permissions.” You can also use this option to remove the CMS user.

Note: visit our CMS user permissions doc for more detail on the specific permissions.

Email Not Arriving

Wait times for invitations vary and an invitation is not automatically sent to your new user; if you forgot to send the email originally, click the “Manage CMS Users” button at the top of the page.

Then click the gear icon on the appropriate CMS user and select “Send Access Link.” You can edit the standard email and send or copy the text to your clipboard and send this yourself. Your user will receive a link to activate the account.

Note: they must use their username to login, not their email address.

Subuser Training

To share details on the user accounts with your clients without showing any Without Code branding, visit our White Label Resources. You can send your clients and employees unbranded training videos to walk them through the process.