Adding a Team Member (Legacy Dashboard)

*** Note: this document applies to the legacy dashboard (aka the “old” dashboard). See the new document here: Adding a Team Member ***

You can give another Without Code member access to edit the sites in your account, which is ideal for agencies with multiple designers working on a single project. If you would like to give clients limited access to edit their sites, visit our CMS doc.

Note: this feature is only available to Pro and Enterprise members.

To add a team member, locate the relevant site and click the gear icon.

Click on the Team Members tab and select “Add Team Member.”

Enter the Without Code username for the team member you would like to share the site with. Click “Add Team Member.”

Note: the user must also have a Pro or Enterprise level membership.

The shared site will feature a banner, “Team” in your account. And this will be visible in your team members account under “Shared Sites.”