Google Translate

Google Translate allows visitors to translate your site to the language of their choosing. This represents the simplest option for multi-language users, supporting more than 100 languages. Once a user translates a site, the site will stay translated on future visits.

Note: Translation is applied to text across the site, as well as the blog. However, most third party widgets cannot be translated using the Google Translate widget. For a more comprehensive language option, consider our multi-language site options.


Tutorial Video



  • Drop the widget into your site. In most cases, placement in the header or footer is ideal, as this will allow your entire site to be translated. Placing the widget on the page (not in the header or footer) will allow only the page its placed on to be translated.
  • If you wish to resize the widget, use the Width setting in the Design section.
  • The Alignment setting (also in the Design section) can be used to align the widget left, center or right.


  • Dropdown Style: This setting allows you to select from three display types: Simple, Horizontal and Vertical.
    • Simple is the most compact setting.
    • Horizontal and Vertical display types show a wide dropdown, with “Powered by Google” text located either on the side of the dropdown (Horizontal) or below the dropdown (Vertical).
  • Hide Google Logo: This option hides the google logo.
  • Hide Translation Pop-up: By default, when you hover over translated text, a pop-up appears showing a portion of text in the original language. You may disable that feature with this toggle.


  • The dropdown may not always render correctly in the builder editor. You may refresh the browser to correct this.
  • The widget placeholder will only be seen in the editor and in preview mode. The placeholder will not be seen when the site is published.
  • This widget will translate all core native text across the site. That means that text originating from text and title widgets.
  • This widget will translate your blog. It can also be added to the blog on a multi-language site that has been translated using our multi-language options.
  • Most widgets and third party HTML embeds will not be translated.
  • The Google Translate widget is of course powered by Google. This means that the language options are controlled by Google, and the available languages may increase or differ over time.
  • There are currently 108 language options available.
  • For a different approach to translating your site, consider the multi-language options built into our site builder. The Multi-Language options allow you to translate a separate version of your entire site that exists on a subdomain. With this method, the site is translated to a language of your choosing. Note that your site blog will not be translated with the Multi-Language option, and edits or updates must be made to all versions of your site. For more information, see our Multi-Language options documentation.