Ecommerce: Customer Opt-in for Marketing Emails

With evolving privacy law, a commitment to customer privacy is key and gaining approval for promotional emails is critical.

Note: This is particularly important if your customers are based in the EU or UK, as you will fall under GDPR (read more here) and need to consider permission requirements for your region.

Adding a sign-up checkbox at the checkout will give your customers the ability to opt-in to emails, which will allow you to create lists of customers and target only those who have provided express consent.

Adding a Checkbox

To add a sign-up checkbox to your checkout:

  1. Select the Ecommerce tab from the left menu and open your store.
  2. Select “Marketing” and “Newsletters.”
  3. Scroll down to “Settings.”
  4. Click “request customers’ approval for marketing emails at checkout.”

This will show customers a checkbox saying “Keep me up to date on news and exclusive offers” at the checkout. This box will be unchecked requiring customers to click it to opt in.

To set up the sign-up option:

  1. In your store, click “Settings” and “General.”
  2. Select “Cart & Checkout.”
  3. Scroll to Newsletters and click “request customers’ approval for marketing emails at checkout.”

Customize Sign-up


To edit the text shown next to the sign-up box:

  1. In your store, click “Marketing,” and “Newsletters.”
  2. Scroll to “Settings,” and select “Edit.”
  3. Enter your desired text.
  4. Save.

You can use this text area to request additional information from customers. E.g. consent to share address with delivery provider.


By default, the checkbox will be unchecked. If you would like to switch this to checked, enable this preselect here.

Note: customers will need to uncheck this box in order to opt-out of emails so consider leaving this unchecked if your unsure about your privacy requirements for your region.

Confirm Buyer Opted in

You can view customer preferences in two areas:


  1. In your store, click “My Sales” and click “Orders.”
  2. Locate the relevant order.
  3. Find the “Additional Information” to read the details.


  1. In your store, click “My Sales” and click “Customers.”
  2. Locate the customer.
  3. Confirm if there is a label that says, “Promo emails allowed.”

Note: If your customer is based in the EU, the store will not send an abandoned cart reminder email unless customers have selected the sign-up option.

View All Opted-in Customers

This list may be used for manual emailing or if you are using a marketing service, such as Mailchimp. To obtain the list of customers who opted in:

  1. In your store, click “Marketing” and “Newsletters.”
  2. Find “Create a mailing list manually.”
  3. Select “Export Contacts.”

This will export a CSV file.

Alternatively, you can obtain a list of customers who are willing to receive promo emails:

  1. In your store, click “My Sales” and click “Customers.”
  2. Choose the “Promo Email Allowed” under “Email Marketing.”
  3. Select “Export All Found” in the customer list.

This will export a CSV file.