Ecommerce: Shipping Options

Use shipping options to set an origin address for items to be sent from. To set this up:

  1. Select the Ecommerce tab from the left menu and open your store.
  2. Click on “Shipping & Pickup.”
  3. Select “+Add Shipping Method.”
  4. Choose how you will ship (e.g., FedEx)
  5. Select from the following options (NOTE: not all options are available on all carriers)
  • Automatically calculated: This option will calculate rates based on the order and are automatically retrieved from your chosen carrier. No additional steps required.
  • Free shipping: If you want to include the cost of shipping in product prices, you can select this option.
  • Flat rate: If you wish to charge one consistent rate regardless of how many items were ordered, you can select the flat rate option.
  • Custom rates: This option allows you to set your own rate calculation rules based on order price, number of items ordered, or total weight.

Set up an Origin Address

  1. Select the Ecommerce tab from the left menu and open your store. Click on “Shipping & Pickup.”
  2. Select “Set up Origin Address.”
  3. Select from the following options:
  • Ship orders from my company’s address: If your company’s address and the location you will ship orders from match.
  • Ship orders from a warehouse or another location: If you are shipping orders from a different location from your company’s address, select this option. This option allows you to keep your company address unchanged.
  1. Enter the address.
  2. Click “Save.”

Note: You can only add an origin address after you have added the shipping option. Otherwise, the shipping origin is automatically pulled from your company address (set under Settings).