Ecommerce: Related Products

If you have products in your store that complement each other and are good options to buy together or you may want to promote certain products and encourage customers to buy more. To do this, you can use related products.

Related products can be displayed on the product details and the shopping bag pages. Adding these to both pages ensures that if customers missed the items while shopping, they get a second chance to see them before they check out.


  • A company selling phones and accessories would offer a phone case as a related product to a phone.
  • The company offers guides or extra services in addition to the primary service. These could be listed as related.
  • There are two categories that are closely related – for example, shoes and socks. You can use the “Random product from” option to show random related products from a specific category.

Product Details Page

To add related items to your product page:

  1. select the Ecommerce tab from the left menu and open your store.
  2. Click on “Catalog” and select “Products.”
  3. Locate the relevant product and click “Edit Product.”
  4. Click “Related Products.” You can choose from the following three options:
    1. “Assign Products” will show specific products
    2. “Display random products” will show random products from a category
    3. Or select both options

These related items will now appear under the “You May Also Like” section.

Shopping Bag Page

To add related items to the bag page:

  1. Select the Ecommerce tab from the left menu and open your store. Click “Settings.”
  2. Select “General” and click “Cart & Checkout.”
  3. Scroll down to “Related Products” and turn on “On Cart page.”

The related items will now appear on the shopping bag page under “You May Also Like.”