Ecommerce: Add and Edit Products

You can add and edit products in your store by visiting the catalog. You can also use a CSV to import your products.

Add Products

To add a product:

  1. select the Ecommerce tab from the left menu and open your store.
  2. Click on “Catalog” and select “+Add New Product.”
  3. Enter the product name, SKU (ID number), weight, image, price, and description.

Note: To add a YouTube or Vimeo video, click “Insert Video” within the description and paste the embed code.

  1. Click “Save.”
  2. Follow the above steps for all other products.

Saved products will appear in the product menu.

Edit Products

To edit a product:

  1. select the Ecommerce tab from the left menu and open your store.
  2. Click on “Catalog.”
  3. Locate the relevant product and select “Edit Product.”
  4. Make desired changes to the details.
  5. Click “Save.”

Once you have saved your edits, changes will appear in the product menu.

Delete Products

To permanently delete a product:

  1. select the Ecommerce tab from the left menu and open your store.
  2. Click on “Catalog” and select “Products.”
  3. Locate the relevant product and select “Edit Product,” and then click “Delete Product.”