Ecommerce: Adding Categories to Navigation
When adding a store to a site, you have the ability to display the store categories within your sites navigation. Below we will discuss how to add the categories to the site navigation, as well as the different layouts available for displaying those categories.
To view the store categories, select Ecommerce from the left panel.
Within the Ecommerce panel you will see the option Add category pages to site navigation. The dropdown list just below that will give you two options:
As Subpages:
This option will display the stores categories as subpages to the page you choose, when hovering that page.
Beside site pages:
This option will display the store’s categories as subpages inline with the sites navigation, as if those categories were their own pages within the pages panel.
With the Beside site pages option selected, you will see a Where do you want to put them? dropdown. This is where you can set which page you want the store categories to be displayed after.