Global Design

Use the Global Design section to make changes to your site as a whole. You can efficiently set global colors, text, buttons, images, rows, background, and layout styles for the entire site to save time and ensure consistency.

Note: when you set styling in the Global Text as well as Global Colors menu, it changes ALL components on the site, but you can override the global style by making edits to individual elements. You can also update global styles within the editor using text widgets. We suggest first setting up your global style and then customizing individual aspects of your site.

Select Theme from the sidebar menu.

Global Colors

Global Colors are used to keep consistency of colors across an entire site. When an element is using a global color and that global color is later changed within the global design panel, all elements using that color will automatically be updated to use the new color. Global Colors up to 10 global colors.

Scan Your Site to Import Global Colors Automatically

When global colors are used on a site for the first time, you will be prompted to manually add each color, or allow the builder to "Do it for me". If "Do it for me" is selected, then the builder will scan the current site and pull in the most used colors from that site. Once global colors are finished scanning, you will be presented with a selection of colors. From this window, you can select up to 8 colors to create and connect your global colors palette.

Global Text

Control the style of your text: font type, size, color, format, direction, link options, font weight and line height. As well, set heading and subheading styles.

Update Global Styles Within a Text Widget

You can also use any Text widget to apply a new style to your global styles. This can be done anywhere in the site editor.

Within a Text widget:

  • Set the text type (ie: paragraph text, Heading 1 - 6)
  • Style your text
  • Using the text type dropdown, select the Update Global Paragraph option. 

This will now override your current global design style for that specific text type and force it to use the styling from the text widget.

Additional Global Text Style Attributes

Individual attributes may be set for global text styles. Navigate to Design > Global Text > (expand a text type) > More Options. From here you may set the following format options:

Global Button

You can use the Buttons section to set the styling of buttons throughout your site. You have two button types available: primary and secondary. You can set the style for both button types in the Buttons section. Styling options include background, border type, rounded corners, shadow, effects, text, font style, size, and color.

Global Images

Control the style of images on your site by defining layout, border, rounded corners, and shadow effect.

Global Rows

Control the style of rows on your site; this includes background color, default row, and column spacing.

Reset Row Or Column To Use Global Spacing

You can reset any row or column to revert its spacing back to the global row spacing that was set within Design > Global Rows > Default Row Spacing & Default Column Spacing. To do this, right-click on a row or column, then select Reset To Default Spacing in the context menu.

Site Background

Set a specific background color or image for either all pages or set the background per page.

Site Layout

Select a layout style for each device – desktop, tablet, mobile.