Adding Sections

Within the site builder you will find Sections, which give you pre-built rows to save you time, as you design. The library of Sections is varied, offering you sections focused on Team, Testimonials, Features, etc, so that you can quickly add a new area to your site.

To add a new section, simply hover between the rows where you would like to place it, and click “+Add Section.”

This will open the  section library where you can view all of the pre-designed sections available and select the one that works best for your site.

Simply click on the section you would like to add, and select “Done” or click “Save & Add Another” if you want to add more. The section will become its own row.



  • Any section may contain more than one row.
  • They can’t be used in the header.


  • The Global Text settings – text color and font style – may not be applied to sections, but you can clear the format and apply. your global settings if you prefer.


  • All sections are built within the editor – with no custom CSS used.
  • Sections can’t be used in the sidebar layout.