Image Slider

Display a set of images in a slideshow with the Image Slider widget.

To add the slider, open the Widgets tab and search for the Image Slider widget.

Drag this widget into the desired location of your editor and it will open the content and design options.

Add an image by clicking “+ Add Image” or by clicking the blank image space. This will open up the Image Picker where you can choose existing images or upload new ones. Read more about Choosing and Placing Images.

If you want to replace or edit an existing image, click on the image and this will open “Image Settings.”

The replace button will open up the Image Picker again; the edit button will open up the editing options. Read about our Photo Editor.

Scroll down in the settings to adjust the position, add a link (makes the image a button that can link to somewhere else), and edit the title, caption, button, and alt text.

You can remove one image by clicking the “x” and can re-order images by clicking and dragging.

Using the design tab you can change the layout, and customize text, background, frame, and other components.

You can also select “Display full image” to display images in their natural dimensions.