Email: Setting up a Signature
Signatures save time by creating content that appears automatically in every email. This is a great way to display your name, title and additional contact information without re-entering it each time you send a message. You can use plain text or HTML if you would like to include links or images.
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Set up a Signature
- Log in to Webmail.
- Click on Settings in the sidebar, then select Identities.
- Select your email account or click “Create” in the top menu to create a new identity.
In the Signature field, enter the signature details to appear at the end of all outgoing email messages.
Note: If you primarily send formatted (HTML) messages, you can enable the HTML option which allows you to add formatting of your signature.
- Click Save.
Disabling a Signature
- In the Settings window, click Identities.
- Select your account.
- Delete the text in the Signature text field.
- Click Save.