Ecommerce: Email Notifications

You can modify email notifications by clicking on the Store section in the left menu and selecting “Manage Store.”

From the store management panel, click on “Settings,” then select “Mail.”

Enable/Disable Notifications

Simply click the toggle to enable or disable a notification.

Edit Notifications

You can hover over “Edit” for the specific notification and select “Preview” or click to edit. This will open up the email template.

The template uses variables to modify the relevant elements for any individual email notification. For example, $( indicates where the individual customers name will be displayed. These variables apply to many aspects: customer information, order information, product information, store information, and brand information.

You can edit the text within the body. For example, within the order shipped template, if you want to edit the “Your Order Has Shipped” text, simply type within the body to change this and ensure you save.

Mail Settings

Scroll down to change the email address for the store and admin; you can also add additional email addresses here.


Continue scrolling down to add a logo to your store.