Site Stats

Your website statistics shows important visitor data, allowing you to analyze and improve your sites. View a basic breakdown of your stats by clicking on the info tab from your site editor.

To view your stats in detail, login to your Dashboard, open the site editor for any individual site and click “Dashboard” in the upper menu.

This will bring up your Sites Dashboard.

Click on the stats tab and this will bring you to your stats options and you can also select a specific time period.

Note: stats take 24 hours to update; if you don’t see any stats, then you may not have any published sites or you haven’t yet had any site visitors.


This section gives you a snapshot of site stats.

Content Data

This shows which pages are visited the most on your site, which can help you determine what most people are looking for.


View what actions your visitors are taking (e.g. how many times a coupon code is used); use this data to focus attention on specific areas of your site.

Traffic Sources

Learn how visitors arrive at your site: whether they type in your URL or find you via a search. This can define where you focus your marketing efforts.

Browsers & OSs

This will display what type of browser and operating system your visitors are using to view your site.


Get a breakdown of your visitors by country, state and city here.


Click this section to view the stats for inSites you have created.