Google Analytics & Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a fantastic way to open the door to marketing for your website. The GTM platform is essential for businesses of all sizes, and allows for Conversion Tracking, Site Analytics, Remarketing, and more.

To begin integrate Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics to your site, start by clicking the Settings tab in the left section.

Select the Google Tools tab.

Enter your Google Tag ID to integrate Google Analytics, and your Container ID to integrate Google Tag Manager. These IDs can be found in your Google accounts.

To access your Google Analytics account, go here:  Google Analytics account

To access your Google Tag Manager account, go here:  Google Tag Manager

Note: if you receive an error message, you may be using the wrong ID. Ensure that the Analytics code starts with “UA” and ends with a string of numbers, and that the Tag Manager code starts with "GTM" and ends with a string of numbers.

Google Analytics 4

You can set up Google Analytics 4 on your Without Code sites by providing the “G-” ID to set up the analytics. Follow the instructions below.


Ensure you have a Google Analytics account. You will likely want to create separate accounts for separate clients.


Note: in order to add a property, you must be an editor on the account. If you created the account, you will automatically have this permission.

Within the Admin section, confirm you are in the appropriate account, and select “+ Create Property.”

Enter the name for the property and choose the correct time zone and currency. Read more about time zones here.

Click “Next,” enter your industry and size and finally, select “Create” and accept the Terms and DPA.


Under “Data Streams” click “Web” and enter your URL. Enter additional relevant information and click “Create Stream.”


Under Web Stream Details copy your “G-” ID under “Measurement ID” and paste this into the relevant section of the Google Analytics step within your Without Code site (instructions at the beginning of the doc).