Row Editor

You can use the Row Editor to adjust the row and make changes to the design of any row. To open this, hover over a row until the blue “Row” button appears – select this.

Note: before editing a row, ensure you backup your site.

This will open the editor. You can use the arrows to rearrange rows and use the “+” button to add a row above.

Other options include:

  • +Add column: add a column to this row
  • Edit Design: open up the row design editor
  • Entrance Animation: add an entrance animation to the row
  • Clear Padding: clear the inner space of the row
  • Copy: copy the row
  • Hide on Device: hide the row on a specific device
  • Edit Anchor: anchor the row to a specific point
  • Delete: delete the row

Row Design

Select “Edit Design” to make changes to the row design.


You can select the “Full bleed row” toggle to make the content span the entire width of the screen.


Define the background, assigning a color, image, or video.

If you select the image option, you can choose to add a background image slider by simply adding multiple images using the “+” and the image picker. Once you add multiple photos, you can set slide transition and speed, as well as any background customization.

Note: you can also add a background slider to any column.

You can enable Parallax scrolling by clicking the toggle.


You can define the inner and outer spacing of your row using this section.