Arranging Content

Arrangement is an important factor of your website design and Without Code is specific in how content is managed and arranged. Each site consists of a header, footer, as well as rows and columns. The majority of widgets, content, and images will live inside a row and column.


Rows are the horizontal sections of the site. These can be manually added by selecting a row and clicking “Add Row.” As well, if you drag a widget from the left section in between two rows, a new row will appear to hold the widget.

You can delete a row by either right-clicking in the row and selecting “Delete” or by clicking the row button and selecting “Delete.”


Columns are the vertical sections of the site; each row contains at least one; they control the arrangement – from left to right – of widgets/content.

Note: Desktop and tablet layouts allow up to four columns, while mobile can only hold up to two. If you begin your site editing in desktop or tablet, and then switch to mobile, columns will be the full width of the page. If you want to create a row with two columns in mobile, first select the mobile layout and add two columns.

You can manually add a new one by selecting the column, clicking on setting, and then selecting “Add Column.” When you add a new column into a row it will appear next the existing column in the same row.

You can delete a column by either right clicking on the column and selecting “Delete,”

Or by clicking the red x in the corner of the column.

Note: All rows must contain at least one column so you can’t delete the last column without deleting the row, but empty columns won’t display on a live site.