Adding Inner Rows

The inner rows feature allows you to create “rows inside rows.” This enables you to create more complex layouts and gives you the option to add more than four columns within a row (up to 16).

To add an inner row to an existing row, click on any row element, click “+Add” and select “Inner Row.”

If you’re adding the inner row to a row with one column, it will place the new inner row at the bottom of the existing row and include two columns within. You can then add more columns to that row as needed.

If you’re adding the inner row to a row with multiple columns, you’ll need to specify which column you would like to add it to by selecting the appropriate column from the context menu.

The inner row will be visible within the designated column.

Click on the inner row to bring up the context menu and add any widget or element as you would in a typical row.

You can divide an inner row into (up to) four columns.

And it is possible to add up to 16 columns. You will simply need to add inner rows into a row with full bleed enabled. And then within the inner rows add up to four columns each.