Mobile: Header and Expandable Menu

Within your Global Design settings you can switch the layout of your mobile site. The expandable menu option (found in the first two mobile layout options) allows you to deliver a customized, visible menu as your user scrolls through your site. You can select from multiple layouts optimized for mobile that include various aspects, such as a click to call button.

The expandable menu layout for mobile offers more customizations and ensures widgets in the header and menu remain visible even if the user scrolls down the site.

To select an expandable menu style, click on the Design tab, select “Site Layout” and click on the expandable menu within the mobile section.

Note: When you switch layouts, the logo will remain, however, all widgets in the header will be removed and the background color will change.

Note: when you update the layout, an automatic backup is created.

Edit Header

Once you add this layout, a hamburger icon will appear; this icon allows you to expand the menu. To edit the header, however, simply hover and click “Header.”

This will open up options; click “Edit Design” to open the design options, including header layout and icon position.

Note: You can’t add new widgets, however, you can edit and remove all widgets found in the header by selecting the element.

Edit Menu

To edit the menu, click the icon to open it and click on “Menu.” This will open up options; click “Edit Design” to open the design options, which include specific layout style, style, and spacing.

You can add widgets to the menu and edit the column layout, however, if you switch to another layout, all content added to the menu will be removed.



The last row of the navigation will always appear at the bottom, acting as a footer, but you can remove the content of the row to make it disappear.


If you add a new site language, the menu will automatically add the language option to the expandable menu.