Republishing a Site

Once you’ve published your site, you may republish as often as needed. This works great for site updates big and small.

If you are publishing for the first time, refer to this document.

To republish your site, simply click the Republish button in the top menu.


To publish an individual page, open the Pages menu and select Publish Page in the settings for the page you’d like to publish.

Published pages will show an icon in the Pages menu to indicate they’ve been published individually.


You can set a page as a draft for when you have a page that is currently being worked on and the site needs to be republished, but you don't want that page to be published with the site just yet. To do this, open the Pages menu and select Set as a draft in the settings for the page you’d like to not be published with the site.

When you are ready to publish that page, open the Pages menu and for that same page select Add to next publish. Now when the site is republished that page will also be republished.


  • Updates to the header or footer of your site will not be published unless you publish the entire site (using the Republish button).
  • It’s a good idea to make a backup of your site before making significant changes.